Blog posts


Data exploration using Mapper

1 minute read


I am currently working on a paper to build a new mathematical technique for Topological Data Analysis. I used this technique to build a TDA mapper tool. This post is to give basic intuition about the mapper. Mapper is used to get a higher-level understanding of the structure of the data. It is used to visualize the shape of the data in higher dimensions. Given a mapper representation of $3$D point cloud (Points are uniformly distributed) belongs to a set of animals (horse, lion, cat, camel, elephant, flamingo). Each ball in the mapper represents a cluster and the edge between balls implies common points between corresponding clusters (intuition not definition of the mapper).




Sentence Classification using CNN

5 minute read



Convolution Neural Networks are typically used in computer vision problems like image classification. Most of the computer vision systems todays at its core are based on CNNs from photo tagging to self driving cars. However we are going to look at the application of CNNs in NLP(Natural Language Processing).